8:30 a.m. Pre-Service Prayer
9:00 a.m. First Worship Service
10:30 a.m. Second Worship Service
* Check Children & Youth Sunday Schedule below
1900 S. Western Ave.
San Pedro, CA 90732
Come worship with us at Ocean View! We love God and His Word. We love people from all walks of life. And we are passionate about worshiping our Lord. Each Sunday we honor our Lord through song, prayer, and preaching of His Word. In worshiping and learning together, we are actively fulfilling our mission, "Seeking God's Glory, Centered in His Word, Furthering His Kingdom."
Here is what you can expect when coming on Sunday mornings:
To be blessed by each other’s presence.
We will be meeting inside the sanctuary.
We will worship together in song, prayer, and God’s Word.
Our desire is for our young people to connect to the life of the church, to know their identity as members of the body of Christ, to be loved and discipled by Christian parents, church leaders, and church family. We welcome all ages to be a part of the worship service, but Ocean View Kids takes place during the 10:30 am service as well.
9:00 a.m. Worship Service
We invite families with children in grades K-5 and above to join us for family-friendly worship in the sanctuary.
The children’s nursery is open with a cry room, but parents must accompany their children as there is no child care.
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
Ocean View Kids
Nursery (infant-2 years old) will be available for the entire service.
Preschool (ages 3-5) through K-5th grades will be with their parents for worship and then be dismissed after singing (approximately 10:45 am) to the Kid’s Leaders in the Courtyard (just outside the Sanctuary doors).
Parents, please register your children before the service.
Check In Kids (10:15 - 10:30 am)
Check in your kids at the check-in station located right outside the nursery.
Kids in the Worship Service (10:30 - 10:45 am) – Sanctuary
Kids (Preschool through 5th Grade) will be with their parents in the sanctuary for the singing portion of our Worship Service. The kids will then be dismissed around 10:15 am.
Kids and Teachers will meet together in the Courtyard and go to their classrooms together.
Cross Formed Kids (10:45 – 11:15 am) – In Classrooms
Preschool – Ages 2-5
K-2nd Grades
3rd,4th,5th Grades
Singing (11:20 am – 11:30 am) – Community Life Center (CLC)
Children will sing songs all together, recap the lesson, spend time in prayer, or play some group games.
Parents will pick up their children after service at the door connected to the CLC at 11:30 am.
Ocean View Youth
Middle School (6-8th) - Middle Schoolers will also be dismissed to the Courtyard after the singing in the main Sanctuary. However, every first Sunday (Communion Sunday) the Middle Schoolers stay for the entirety of the service.
High School (9-12th) – We encourage High Schoolers to join the congregation in the main worship service.