Ocean View Kids Sunday
Nursery (infant-2 years old) will be available for the entire service.
Preschool (ages 3-5) and K-5th grades will be with their parents for worship and then be dismissed after singing (approximately 10:45 am) to the Courtyard to go with their leaders to their Ocean View Kids Worship.
Parents, please check-in your children before the service.
Check-in station is located in the room outside the nursery.
Sunday Schedule
Check In Kids (10:15 - 10:30 am)
Check in your kids at the check-in station located right outside the nursery.
Kids in the Worship Service (10:30 - 10:45 am) – Sanctuary
Kids (Preschool through 5th Grade) will be with their parents in the sanctuary for the singing portion of our Worship Service. The kids will then be dismissed around 10:15 am.
Kids and Teachers will meet together in the Courtyard and go to their classrooms together.
Cross Formed Kids (10:45 – 11:15 am) – In Classrooms
Preschool – Ages 2-5
K-2nd Grades
3rd,4th,5th Grades
Singing (11:20 am – 11:30 am) – Community Life Center (CLC)
Children will sing songs all together, recap the lesson, spend time in prayer, or play some group games.
Parents will pick up their children after service at the door connected to the CLC at 11:30 am.
Our desire is for the body of Christ to be an integral part in the faith formation of the kids at Ocean View. We come alongside parents in both a vision for daily discipleship in the home and opportunities for the church to equip and encourage families as they raise their children in the ways of the Lord. Below you will find the ways in which we do so at Ocean View.
cross formed kids curriculum
The Pray for Me Campaign is one way we desire to form intergenerational relationships for the younger generations and their family. Every year families with their children/teenagers are paired with another adult in the church who has committed to pray daily for the children/teenagers. If you desire your child to be prayed for everyday this year contact Pastor Jean Paul for more details. Our next campaign begins in February of 2025, but we can always add more during the year.
first wednesday family worship nights
What is Family Worship Night?
Throughout the year we gather together as a church family to share a meal and worship our Lord together. Our desire is for all generations to be worshipping alongside one another and growing in community. The night will begin with sharing a meal and then move into a time of worship through singing, prayer, and Scripture. We want to model what we hope families are doing every day: worshipping God through singing, prayer, and reading Scripture. Together we are the body of Christ and have much to rejoice in, so let us gather to encourage one another in worship!
Who is invited?
Everyone! The body of Christ is made up of young and old. We all need one another and these nights are meant to encourage all ages to come alongside each other in worship.
Yes! Each time we gather the food options will vary, but come ready to share in a meal with the church.